
Four hundred new student rooms on Zernike Campus in 2024

17-01-2024, Groningen – De eerste heipalen voor de bouw van het nieuwe studentencomplex Proxima op Zernike Campus zitten in de grond. Proxima krijgt 401 kamers die tijdens de piekperiode aan het einde van de zomer, dubbel bezet kunnen worden zodat er 802 studenten gehuisvest kunnen worden. Het is het eerste wooncomplex op Zernike Campus en wordt in de zomer van 2024 opgeleverd.

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GSb report on student well-being

In november 2023 the GSb Researchbureau released a report on student well-being. It was a mixed-method paper in comparison with a similar paper by the GSb from 2017. The results of the research were worrying: only 1.8% of the participants indicated that stress is not constantly present in their life and more than one third of the participants indicated that it is becoming increasingly difficult to deal with challenges that happen in their life. At the ceremony the Rector Magnificus from the RUG and a member of the CvB of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences received the report. You can find the paper here.

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