Apply for the Board!
The Groninger Student Union (GSb) is looking for a new board!
Do you know student life inside and out? Are you not afraid to speak your mind? Do you like the protest? Or are you a natural lobbyist? Are you critical and politically engaged? This is you chance!

De GSb has been defending the rights of students ever since 1971 by organising actions, meeting with important stakeholder (e.g., the municipality, University of Groningen, and Hanze University of applied sciences), and by keeping up to date on all relevant student issues!
During a board year at the Groninger Student Union you will gain many great and diverse experiences. you will come in contact with different people and you days are ever changing. One dag you are talking to municipal council members about the housing crisis, the next day you are talking to the press about mental health problems at the University and another day you are strengthening the positions of students at the Hanze.
Once a month the GSb meets with students from other unions in the country and determine the course of the National Student Union (LSVb). The GSb also represents the position of students in the territory of public transport, mental health, housing, diversity, and so much more.
De Groninger Student Union is the perfect place to learn and grow, and to represent students (both at the Hanze and the UG). Additionally, with and association that has such a history like ours does, you can benefit from decades of information and experience on subjects that could help you further develop your skills and knowledge outside your field of studies.
The board has a few different positions you can apply for. You can apply for Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Commissioner of Internal Affairs, and Commissioner of External Affairs.
The Chair is the face of the association to the outside world. As the chair you are the one who is in contact with the press, you make the agenda for board meetings, and you support the rest of your board in performing their tasks. Subsequently, this person also needs to maintain a good overview of what their fellow board members are up to.
The Secretary is responsible for everything to do with the memberships, the e-mail, and taking minutes at the GMA and the board meetings. They are also responsible for the archive of the GSb.
The Treasurer is responsible for the financial side of the association. You write the new budget for the upcoming year and pay attention to the money that is used by the committees and the board.
The Commissioner of Internal affairs takes care of the daily running inside the association. They take care of the communication of the different organs and committees within the association.
Last but not least: The commissioner of External affairs. They are responsible for the contact with our external parties like associations, bars and businesses. The commissioner makes sure that there is enough sponsorship money coming into the association and therefore plays an essential role in the finances of the association.

Peaked your interest? You can find more information in our board booklet here.
No further questions?
Apply right now by sending your CV and a motivation letter to:
Still have couple of questions?
You can always contact the board if you wanna know anything about a boardyear at the GSb.
You can e-mail to: