Stop the protest rules!
Sign the petition here
The RUG wants to restrict demonstrations with all kinds of new rules. This is a serious restriction on the right to demonstrate and freedom of speech. Sign the petition to help stop this!

The university board of the RUG has devised rules for protests in the university and on their grounds. We as the Groningen Student Union see this as a serious restriction of the right to demonstrate and freedom of speech. We call on the university board to withdraw these rules.
Here are some of the established rules:
- Demonstrations are not allowed after 7 p.m.
- Anonymous expressions are not allowed (e.g., flyers without a clear source, speeches with balaclavas on);
- Colleges, meetings and ceremonies may not be disrupted;
- Demonstrators must engage in mandatory discussion with the (faculty) board;
- Demonstrations that do not follow the rules will be ended early by calling in the police.
After comments from the GSb and pressure from the Uni Council, the ban on photo and video recordings has been as removed, but this is not enough.
Please help us by signing this appeal and share it with others!
Find the full rules here.

Binnen Groningen:
Amnesty International Student Group Groningen
BIJ1 Groningen
Black Ladies of Groningen (BLOG)
Casual Groningen
Catcalls of Grunn
CJB Groningen
Comité Vrouwenstrijd Groningen
DWARS Groningen
Fossil Free Culture NL
Groningen Feminist Network (GFN)
Groningen for Palestine
Groninger Studentenbond (GSb)
Internationale Socialisten Groningen (ISG)
Jonge Democraten Groningen-Drenthe (JD)
Jonge Socialisten Groningen/Drenthe (JS)
Lijst Calimero
Organize the RUG
PINK Noord Nederland
ROOD Groningen
Shelter Our Students (SOS)
Socialisten Noord (SN)
SP Jongeren
Transgender Day of Visibility Groningen
Woonstrijd Groningen
Buiten Groningen:
Activistenpartij UvA
ASVA Studentenvakbond
Internationale Socialisten (IS)
Jonge Socialisten Arnhem-Nijmegen (JS)
Landelijke Studentenvakbond (LSVb)
Leidse Studenten Belangenorganisatie (LSBo)
ROOD, Socialistische Jongeren
ROOD Leeuwarden
ROOD Utrecht
ROOD Rotterdam
Studentenvakbond AKKU
Studenten Overleg Orgaan Zwolle (SOOZ)
STUUR Rotterdam
Vereniging voor Studie- en Studentenbelangen te Delft (VSSD)